I was working on the 79th floor of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.
That day, I left the building 17 minutes before the second plane hit.
I was on the way down when the plane crashed into the building.
As I made my way out, I kept repeating the Shema, over and over, not even knowing how close I had come to disaster.
Looking back, that day changed me.
It made me realize just how fragile life is, how quickly everything can change.
It’s part of the reason why I push myself so hard now—why I wake up very early every day, have taught 1000s of classes, and try to help people transform their health.
We get one shot at this life!
I’m not here to waste mine, and I don’t want you to waste yours either.
If there’s something you’ve been putting off—whether it’s your health, your career, or something else—take action today.
Don’t wait for a wake-up call.
