Earning Money vs Eternal Reward…
Baruch HaShem (Thank G-d) I’ve been having a lot of quality time with our son this summer as he is not in camp and too young to be employed (he is self employed with his own homemade cholov yisroel ice cream company)...
Admittingly, I had a lot of plans to grow Jump Into Shape over the summer… We even discussed how the days would be structured to permit me to work, while spending time with our son… “Man plans and HaShem laughs”... sometimes 13 year old boys get bored very quickly, especially when a parent who he loves is home (even if they are working)...
Finally after many weeks into the summer, I finally realized my true work over the summer will be quality time with our son and not Jump Into Shape… BH my wonderful wife supports this and has never once questioned the state or growth of the company… trust me, this comes after a lot of complaining that my plans aren’t going how I expected… however, it is the crying of tefillah (prayer) to the One Above that has set me straight… He controls all and if this is what He wants me to do, He can grow Jump Into Shape in 1 million ways that I never thought off…
Of course, when our son is home I try to learn Torah with him as much as possible… Here is a picture today of not me working on Jump Into Shape, but rather us working on building an eternal world by learning Torah as the Gemara teaches “These are the precepts that a person enjoys their fruits {rewards} in This World, but whose principal remains intact for him in the World to Come… and the study of Torah is equivalent to them all”...
If you are curious what we learned - the Mishna on Daf Gimmel Amud Alef… I was able to take out the calculator and include a lesson on the time value of money… more importantly, with some pushing our son realized the big difference between a loan of 30 days and 10 years is the Shmita year cancels the loan…
PS - as I drafted this till now, we had a major breakthrough - BeH (G-d Willing) a local store will be selling his ice cream and he will go there a few hours a day to make (I guess I’ll more time to work on Jump Into Shape after all)
Thank you and many blessings,
Moshe Moskowitz
Jump Into Shape
CEO, Founder and Head Trainer
Invest in YOU
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