Life Lessons from the Wizard of Oz??
I haven’t seen this movie in about 30 years, but for some reason, this picture flashed in my head… admittingly I was in shul recently and wondered about a good model for how one should behave in a shul or workplace for that matter…
Then the Wizard of Oz… remember how much fear and awe there was??? If I recall correctly, they were practically trembling about the Oz… see where I am going? They were in such an awe, that of course 1 million times over one should feel the same way while in a place of worship… we aren’t talking to the Oz, but the King of all Kings (get back to workplace later, maybe)..
What do you notice about this picture?
They are not holding coffee or food in their hand (have to show respect for the Oz)
They are dressed appropriately (for them, not underdressed)
Not holding cell phones (they traveled so far for this important meeting)
Not reading newspapers (is news from 1,000 away necessary at that moment)
Not wearing their jackets (even if it was cold, they would’ve put them in the coatroom)
They are in AWE
and… most importantly and this applies to work and life in general…
In today’s world there are unlimited distractions that can get in the way of reaching our spiritual, professional, personal, fitness, and health goals…
Just set time in your schedule to be there and put all the other things away… just an observation from the Wizard of Oz… thank you Dorothy...
Thank you and many blessings,
Moshe Moskowitz
Jump Into Shape
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Love love love this message! Yes! If only we would treat our Shul’s and holy places with the same reverence Dorothy and crew showed the Wizard of Oz! I felt this way years ago when I attended a Broadway show. If you even dared to whisper to your seat partner, the stares and glares from fellow patrons could kill. How sad that we don’t respect our makom kadosh this way. Even sadder is when non Jewish guests attend a levaya or shul event and dress/act more appropriately than we do. 😔