STAND MORE!!.. How do you take your calls or Zooms? This is me getting ready for a Zoom meeting...

Medical experts say that sitting for long periods of time every day is associated with serious health problems like Type 2 diabetes, joint pain, blood clotting, and cardiovascular disease. Some issues with sitting too much:
**Blood can pool in your legs, leading to dangerous blood clots
**Irregular insulin production puts you at greater risk for diabetes.
**Slowed brain function - muscles pump less fresh blood and oxygen through your brain
**Weak bones which can lead to osteoporosis
**Aches and pains from slumping in your seat
**Stiff spines - your soft discs between vertebrae become squashed, leading to inflexibility
**Heart disease - women who sit for 10 more hours a day have a higher risk of heart disease, according to the Journal of the American College of Cardiology
**Decreased hip mobility - sitting too much can cause your hip muscles to shorten and tighten, limiting your range of motion
**Higher rates of cancer as separate studies have linked excessive sitting to higher rates of cancer and cancer-related deaths.
Thank you and many blessings,
(link to source article
Moshe Moskowitz
Jump Into Shape
CEO, Founder and Head Trainer
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