Friends, I am so excited for this team challenge… here are the teams… Challenge starts Wednesday 12am NYC time… G-d Willing I will post updates daily here! First team of 5 to complete 70 classes and burn 10,000 calories (each member MUST complete at least 3 classes) wins a Jump Into Shape sweat towel and the book Body and Soul.. One team has 6 members so they have to burn 12,000 calories and finish 82 classes to win..
Team 1: Shelley, Ayelet, Mira, Elana, Devorah
Team 2: Lori, Hindy, Stephanie, Tamar, Batsheva
Team 3: Yaakov K, Yosef P, Yisroel, David P, Avrohom, Yossi (6 members)
Team 4: Nachman, Yaakov A, Shuey, Keith, Jack
Team 5: Aliyahu, Eli, Tanchum, Shalom, Pinchas
Team 6: Chetan, Mayer, Ben, Or, David S
Team 7: Zev, Zvi, Odom, Netanel, Hillel
Team Classes Calories
1 59 14,688
2 39 8,367
3 64 15,464
4 71 13,209
5 58 13,866
6 47 10,836
7 23 5,672
Each team member MUST complete at least 3 classes