(mid-year letter) Dear HaShem (G-d), The Master of the World,
As we just completed the secular mid-year, I have endless Hakarat HaTov
“thanks” to you for EVERYTHING as always, but I want to focus on Jump Into Shape for this letter. Some highlights of things YOU have done for Jump Into Shape from January – June 2022, through me, your honored shliach (messenger):
145 people have completed 3,342 classes
Our members have burned about 694,000 calories
I have been injury-free and led 366 classes totaling 124 hours
Members are doing classes from about 25 cities every week worldwide from Eretz Yisrael to California
Members tell me “I’m so happy I joined”, “I just want to thank you for all your input. This morning instead of taking the bus I walked 5km (1 hour). I would not have done this so willingly 6 weeks ago”, “It was fun! Something totally different! We definitely got our heart rates up!! Looking forward to the next class”.
You know how much I complain that I don’t get to learn all day and how exhausted I am from teaching the classes that my learning is not nearly at the level I would like it to be. But, you have trusted me with a talent to bring health into people’s lives and thank you for that. We all need a healthy body for the holy soul in each of us.
Thank you and Shabbat Shalom,
